If you're in the Seattle area, you can tune in to KKNW at 1150 AM at 7 p.m. Pacific time, Tuesday November 14. Otherwise, hit the Web/Podcast at www.thespaceshow.com (where you'll get a bonus half hour).
If you don't know about The Space Show, you're in for a treat. Dr. Livingston routinely interviews most of the major players in the emerging commercial space industry and a whole lot of other folks who have had a major influence as well. Last night he had on Ed Mitchell, an Apollo moonwalker who has fascinating things to say about the spiritual benefits of space travel.
Another great thing about The Space Show is that in-depth interviews is all it does, so you get extended discussion with space entrepreneurs you can't get anywhere else. Short of calling these folks up yourself, you just can't get any closer.
Speaking of calling, you can ask me questions on the air during the show at (866) 687-7223. You can also send questions to be relayed to me on the air by Dr. Livingston to drspace@thespaceshow.com, or by instant chat via AOL IM,ICQ, or CompuServe to user name "spaceshowchat."