Not only is Ansari the first woman to pay her own way into space, she's also the first blogger. The blog is presided over by X PRIZE founder and chair Peter Diamandis. Diamandis will post emails and photos from Ansari during Ansari's eight-day visit to the International Space Station via a $250,000 data link paid for by the foundation. Diamandis's own commentary is a also a rare treat and not to be missed.
Ansari says space fans will get a chance to chat with her in person at this year's X PRIZE Cup in Las Cruces, New Mexico late next month.
OK, while I applaud Anousheh's flight and Peter's commitment and dedication to making it possible for her to fly, the statement that she is the "first blogger from space" has a pretty high snicker factor.
What she will be writing is being transmitted to, then posted by, the X Prize Foundation; how is this qualitatively different that what Mir/ISS astronauts have been doing for years with the "letters home."?????
The rush to hype all the "firsts" here borders on the absurd.
Hi Keith.
It's different because she takes comments and responds to them.
Responsiveness is a virtue.
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