Bigelow's booming along on an excellerated schedule to launch its Sundancer space station by 2010. Orion's focus is on "selling shovels to the miners," as Pickens puts it, i.e., providing the means for other companies to reach space quickly and affordably to find whatever profits they may find there--or not to profit at all; Orion is also building thrusters for NASA's next planned crew launcher, the Ares 1, through a contract with prime contractor Boeing.
To get the Bigelow contract, Orion built and tested a prototype thruster and sent it to Bigelow along with a written proposal. Given Robert Bigelow's impatience with paper designs created at the expense of actual working hardware, that seemed a prudent move on Orion's part, but it also reflects the way Orion prefers to do business too.
I used to work with the guy who really made this connection happen. He was the propulsion expert for the Bigelow Aero Houston Office from 2005-2007. He brought Orion to the table and proposed exactly what finally has happened a year or two ago. Wally, here's to you...you are a man before your time...
I know a guy who helped write an initial proposal for this, I'm sure he's a happy camper by now. I ought to give him a call..
Was XCOR bidding for this contract?
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